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Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) Training

and Disaster Safety Training

Provided by Lutheran Disaster Care, Inc.

Reaching out to those impacted by Disaster is a vital part of who we are as  members of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

In L.E.R.T. training, we will address the nature of disasters and explore what our response should be to disasters as members of the LCMS. We will explore how Christ has shown mercy to us, and how we can show our community that same Christ-like mercy. The goal is to prepare you to be better prepared when a disaster strikes and to help you know how to respond within your congregations, and in word and deed, within the greater communities.

Each Participant in the Training will receive a certificate, LERT Credentials, a LERT manual and a LERT Vest.

We will also be offering Safety Training. At least one member of every LERT team should have this safety training. This training will address safety procedures and hazards to be aware of at a disaster sight. You must complete Basic LERT Training to take the safety course.

If you need additional information, contact David Ricks at 

LERT Training    July 13,2019

When : 9:00 AM

Location : Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

                    5851 New York Ave.

                     Arlington Texas, 76018

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